Senin, 24 Oktober 2016

Apply A Text Watermark To Photograph Inwards Gimp

Apply a Text Watermark to Photos inwards GIMP Apply a Text Watermark to Photo inwards GIMP
If you lot post service your photos online, adding a text watermark or a graphic watermark on the photos is a mutual agency to protect your photos from beingness used past times unauthorized people on the internet. You tin easily add together a text watermark to photos using gratuitous flick editing application, such every bit GIMP. The play a joke on is to write text on the photograph using the Text tool. Then adapt the font type in addition to font colouring (usually dark or white). Finally, cut the opacity of the text past times dragging the opacity slider to the left to hit a semi-transparent effect. Let's become started:

Video tutorial: How to Apply a Text Watermark to Photos inwards GIMP

1. Open Your Photo.
Choose File> Open, locate your photograph folder, click on your photograph in addition to and thus click the Open button. For this GIMP tutorial, I'll purpose this picture that I downloaded from Pixabay.
Picture: Open the photo.

2. Select the Text Tool.
Click the Text tool icon or past times selecting Tools> Text.
Picture: Text tool.

3. Choose Font Type in addition to Font Color.
Click the Tool Options tab. If you lot produce non uncovering it, in addition to thus delight select bill of fare Windows> Dockable dialogs> Tools option. Please select a font in addition to font colouring you lot want.
Picture: guide a font.

4. Type the text.
Click on the photograph in addition to write your text.
Picture: write the text.

5. Adjust the set Using the Move Tool.
Click the Move tool icon or select bill of fare Tools> Transform Tools> Move. Click on your text in addition to thus drag inwards the set you lot wanted.
Picture: Move Tool.

Picture: Drag the text using the Move Tool.

6. Adjust Text Size Using the Scale Tool.
Click the Scale tool icon or past times selecting the bill of fare Tools> Transform Tools> Scale. Click on your text, delight fill upwardly width in addition to Height in addition to thus click the Scale button.
Picture: Adjust using the Scale tool.

7. Adjust the Text Opacity.
Please drag the layer opacity slider to the left thus that the text looks a footling chip transparent.
Picture: Adjust opacity.

Here is the result:

Apply a Text Watermark to Photos inwards GIMP Apply a Text Watermark to Photo inwards GIMP
Picture: Apply a Text Watermark to Photo inwards GIMP.


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