Kamis, 29 Desember 2011

How To Hand The Rss Push A Metallic Element Look

In this tutorial nosotros volition instruct you lot how to alter the ikon of a normal looking RSS push clit to a metallic element smooth RSS button, the finally trial is really prissy inwards this tutorial together with is really different, this tutorial is actually really beneficial for you. Read it out together with notice how you lot tin produce this magic, merely offset induce got a await at the finally ikon that volition endure made past times us inwards the end:

Step 1: The really offset move you lot induce got to produce for making this amazing i is to brand a novel document of size 650 x 300.

Step 2: After making the novel document, guide the ellipse tool together with using a greyness shade of color preferably #454545 depict a circle, induce got a await at the image, your ikon must endure await similar it:

Step 3: Now guide the layer of the circle from the layer box acquaint at the correct of the window together with double click on it, you lot volition learn novel option, guide “blending option” inwards that together with hence a novel window volition open, guide the “Gradient Overlay” from it together with produce the following:

You volition learn the ikon as:

Step 4: Now you lot induce got to depict the icon of RSS, guide custom cast tool together with guide the cast advert “Bull’s Eye”, utilisation the dark-green shade of color together with depict it at the centre such that it has its edges exterior the circle till five to 10 pixels. Now you lot induce got to utilisation the Rectangular Marquee Tool to take the 3/4th purpose of the cast together with arrive to await similar the symbol together with icon of RSS.

Now i time to a greater extent than utilisation the Elliptical Marquee Tool together with depict a amount circle at the catch together with deed the icons at the bottom of the circle similar it:

Step 5: Now duplicate the layer of the base of operations together with press Ctrl + Click on the RSS layer together with press delete, immediately you lot volition induce got an ikon like:

Step 6: Now nosotros induce got to plough over the metallic element acquit on to it hence that it looks similar the metallic element one, for this you lot induce got to brand the next changes inwards the style:

Also induce got the clipping mask past times going similar Layer -> Create Clipping Mask together with immediately the ikon of your push clit volition be:

Step 7: Now your push clit is most create together with you lot induce got to produce or hence tyke changes inwards it hence that it looks amazing together with induce got a perfect metallic element touch. Duplicate the layer of the base of operations together with guide it higher upwards everything together with induce got Filter ->Noise Filter together with laid upwards it to 125%, you lot volition have:

Press Ctrl + click on the layer to learn it selected together with chose Filter -> Blur -> Radial Blur together with brand spin/100/good. Set the blending vogue to multiply together with laid upwards the opacity to 15%, you lot volition immediately get:

This is the finally ikon of our button; come across the metallic element acquit on inwards it.

Author: Aayushi Jain

Sumber http://anotherphotoshopblog.blogspot.com

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